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making connections

This is where we make the connection between the physiological function of the tissues, and the esoteric function f the channels.

Triple Warmer

As we have discussed, the Triple Warmer has been associated withe the fascial system.  Typically practitioners focus on the connective tissue mesh which is the physical substrate of the fascia. As our understanding of the fascial system evolves, more and more emphasis is being given to the importance of the fluids, and neuro impulses that occur within these fluids.

Nerve impulses are akin to the etherial aspect of the Triple warmer (the upper warmer).  The clarity and quality of signals depend on the quality, nourishment, and hydration of these tissues and how we go about our lives. The head/brain direct our energy and thought, and the brain is the superconductor of the entire nervous system. Our thoughts guide our actions

'where the mind goes, the Qi will follow'

The nourishment of the fascia (tissues) is connected with the middle burner. This is the digestive system and the organs, a deeper part of the system that is responsible for how we metabolize what enters the system, and how we process it.

The lower burner is related to our water metabolism and how fluids transfer through the system.  This is where water metabolism, hydration and the passage of fluids through the system is processed. The health of the transfer of water can indicate the quality of the immune system and the body's protective mechanisms.

This approach helps to explain the reason why gua sha can have such an impact on not only the 'mesh' theory of the fascia, but also on how gua sha can help the body clear extracellular waste, boost the immune system, induce or break a fever and balance water metabolism.


The Gallbladder meridian is a much simpler system. The Gallbladder channel is the Yang aspect of the Wood Element. My teacher always would put it simply, 'chop the wood' and of course the best tool to chop wood is stone (gua sha)

It can really be that simple. Of course, we don't want to take an axe to the Gallbladder channel, but understanding the 5 element system and how the elements interact with each other can give us a bit of insight on how to use the tools to our best knowledge.  Understanding the function of the gallbladder channel, as well as the pathway can improve the quality or our treatments while using less effort.


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