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basic function of gua sha

This video talks about why gua sha is relevant in todays society

As we have covered in our full training

Gua Sha is a traditional East Asian Medicine technique that applies instrument- assisted undirectional ‘press-stroking’ of a lubricated area of the body surface to intentionally create transitory therapeutic petichiae representing extravasation of blood in the subcutis.
(Nelson, 2013)

The article below was written based on a pilot study to demonstrate the positive effect of Gua Sha on myalgia (muscle aches and pain)

From this work, we can also discuss the process of stasis that occurs when circulation and microcirculation are obstructed due to cellular debris that can be caused from chronic pain and injury. The inflammation from an injury creates localized heat, and it it is not properly eliminated the local area can experience congestion from cellular debris and dehydration of the tissues which limits proper blood and lymphatic flow.

Gua Sha stroking creates temporary heat which can soften the connective tissue, while stimulating circulation in the local area. This allows the body to flush out cellular waste. 

Gua sha also creates temporary irritation and inflammation which stimulates the immune response to send fluid and cells to the area. By creating softness and elasticity in the connective tissue, and moving the cellular debris, gua sha contributes to better tissue health.

Because Gua Sha creates irritation and inflammation to the tissues, if a strong response has occurred that includes petechaie, redness and inflammation, the area should not be worked on any further, except possibly some efflourage to help drain the local tissues. In this case, it should be performed through a barrier such as gloves or a sheet so that any residual blood cells can be avoided.

How to approach Gua Sha treatment based on clients constitution and health condition


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