Dynamic Cupping ONLINE

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Facial Cupping Master Class

ADD Facial Cupping Masterclass $100 off!

Learn the in depth strategies and treatment protocols for treating the head and neck with this Facial Cupping Masterclass.  It provides you with instruction on treating the lymphatic system as well as the main structures of the head, face and neck. Treat conditions such as TMJ, Bell's Palsy, headaches, brain fog, sleep problems and of course how to perform an effective cosmetic treatment to reduce the appearance of fine lines, and give the face a healthy, radiant glow. Regular Price $249


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Dynamic Cupping ONLINE

Dynamic Cupping Techniques takes your supping training to the next level.  In this course we learn more specific cupping techniques such as joint manipulations with cups, cup mobilization while stretching the body, approaches to hip and shoulder problems in side laying position, abdominal cupping, cupping for the limbs and digits and an intorduction to the concepts of East Asian Medicine.

Total due $249

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