A non-invasive, all-natural technique to help smooth fine lines and wrinkles, improve elasticity, and bring a healthy glow to your skin.
Facial cupping will empower you to help your clients and fill your schedule!
Facial cupping is all the rage these days, and for very good reason. Not only famous people and beauty queens can benefit from facial cupping. The cosmetic benefit of facial cupping is an increase of blood flow, increased elasticity in the face, brightening of the complexion, and a reduction in discoloration and fine lines. There are many therapeutic effects of cupping as well such as reducing stress, TMJ, muscular tension, headaches, sinus issues, and Bell's Palsy.
Most women are looking for a natural ways to improve their appearance, but they are not aware there is one. There is no doubt that if shown a natural way to maintain a natural glow, most women will happily do so. The beauty industry is a billion dollar industry!
This course is perfect for Bodywork professionals, acupuncturists, aestheticians, beauty experts, or anyone who wishes to dive deeply into self care.
The instructional videos demonstrate the use of both silicone and glass cups, and the video demonstration includes a cupping for self care video as well.
There are over 2 hours of video training plus written instructions, and a downloadable .PDF document.
You will receive a certificate of completion for the Facial Cupping Masterclass, and it qualifies for 2.5 CEU credits NCBTMB
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