There are four different sets of Thermography Scans that you can have.

These Include:

1) Breast Scans - an alternative option to mammography, breast scans are ideal for women who want to monitor their breast health without the use of invasive techniques.  Thermography is a more accurate imaging method to use on dense breast tissue.

2) Cranio/Dental/Thyroid Scans - for issues of the listed areas, to identify hypo/hyper conditions and specific areas of concern. A connection between ipsilateral dental and breast patterns has been observed in clinical settings.

3) Upper Body Scans - including the full cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral spine, chest, abdomen (organs), shoulders, arms, and hands.  Used to identify areas of inflammation and injury, arthritic changes, organ dysfunction, fertility and more.

4) Lower Body Scans - including the spine, pelvis, legs, and feet this scan can be used to identify areas of inflammation, help to rule out DVT (blood clot) and to get a big picture of the whole body circulation of Blood and Lymph.


What is the investment?

Single Thermography Scan $199

You have the choice of one of the four sets of thermography scans. 

Set of and 2 Thermography Scans $349

Any two of the four sets of scans

Full Body Complete Thermography Scans $599

All four sets of thermography scans (best value)

Schedule your single thermography scan Schedule your 2 thermography scans Schedule your full body thermography

What will thermographic imaging show me?


Your thermographic images will show us any noticeable heat patterns in the area of assessment. The images will undergoe several assessments. First, the images are uploaded into a software that measures the heat patterns from the camera, and gives feedback on temperatures and potential concerns.

The thermographer then personally interprets the heat signals, and reports on significant findings. The report is then sent to your thermography technician, so that they can make recommendations, based on your individual images. If your images are of concern, we may colloborate on findings before making recommendations.

What Happens Next?

Your scans are now forwarded to the thermography technician for follow up with you. They will assess the findings and you will have a virtual call over zoom or whatsapp with your tech, so that they can explain the interpretation to you and offer any recommendations to for the next steps.  The reports will be forwarded to you by email, and are your property. 

Depending on the results of the findings, you may be recommended to have further testing or imaging completed, have lifestyle, dietary or other recommendations and any other changes that would be relevant to your results. Follow up images will be recommended in 6 months to one years time, depending on the results.

Why Nomad Thermography?

When interpreting thermographic scans, it is really helpful to have a full-body approach to health, so that patterns of heat and cold can be recognized as either local or systemic in the body.

Heat signals can have many reasons.  In areas where there is more blood vessels, or they are closer to the surface of the skin will produce heat signals. Organs and tissues that have inflammation can also produce heat signals. Inflammation can occur in the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, lymphatic systems.  Compressions, can create a heat signal, and many malignancies can be detected by the heat signal given off due to rapid cell generation.

The quality of interpretation can be determined by the assessment skills of the practitioner. 

With a background of East Asian Medicine, as well as University anatomy and physiology and a 25 year physical clinical practice of acupuncture and bodywork, I provide a root cause approach to thermographic interpretations. Combining the oldest techniques, and recent tools of assessment, merging science and technology to look at the body systems and work towards a future that includes optimum health.

The Thermographers who interpret the findings of these scans are the clinical director and board members of the Canadian Association of Clinical Thermography. They are at the forefront of international research and education of clinical thermography.

I work with local health professionals to create a health plan that may include diet, lifestyle, physical treatment and acupuncture, and sometimes further testing such as ultrasound, bloodwork, or other tests are recommended to determine the cause and best treatment for many conditions.

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