Gua Sha Masterclass - treating the outside in, the inside out with the Triple Warmer and Gallbladder Meridians

This 2 hr masterclass will give you a brief synopsis of the San Jiao and Triple Warmer Meridians in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and how Gua Sha can be utilized to treat problems in these channels. We will go into some depth on how these two channels relate to the fascia, and its function in relation to Gua Sha.  We will also introduce a new system that is being discovered, and how it relates to the Meridian System. 

If you have an interest in the energetic aspect of Gua Sha beyond the myofascial impact of the treatment, this training could be of interest to you.

Introduction - Navigating the course and the basics of Gua Sha

Some basic course information.

This course has been built slightly differently than some other courses, I have transcribed all of the videos, edited and uploaded them as a .pdf.

You will see attachments, some are .pdf and some are .mp4 

I have also gone into the transcriptions and added some additional details that you may consider reviewing.

Some videos have the same placer image, but they are not the same video, each is a different lesson so don't miss out...

Also, please note that this is not a gua sha practical course, this is a masterclass.  I will not be teaching you how to perform Gua Sha in this masterclass.  You will be expected to have a firm knowledge of Gua Sha techniques to apply to this information.


Intro to the course

Gua sha is a great tool to use for reducing pain and inflammation, smoothing out the fascia and treating scar tissue.

When we use the concepts of the Traditional Chinese Medicine meridians in our treatments, we can use this tool in more profound ways.

The Fascia as a pathway for fluid and nerve impulses

Cellular debris collects in the fluid of the ground substance of the fascia. The ground substance is said to flow in between the layers of fascia, and the belief that ground substance is the mechanism for nerve conductivity in the body is a current model of understaning.

Ground substance is a colourless, transparent gelatinous material, made mostly of water that fills the spaces between fibres and cells.  It is said to transport nutrients and cellular waste between cells and blood.

 In the connective tissue, ground substance also maintains hydration, and aids with movement through providing elasticity in the structures.

The Triple Warmer/San Jiao and its relationship to the Fascia

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Triple Warmer is also called the Triple Burner, Triple Heater, and San Jiao triple warmer

It is seen as a network that connects the entire system through 'three burners', the upper burner, middle and lower burner.

The upper burner connects the etherial energy from heaven

The middle burner is associated with the earth element, the digestive system Qi, Blood, Lymph

The lower burner is related to the water element, the way that we drain and eliminate water. This is also our constitutional power, the body is mostly water

The Triple warmer is involved with how we to relate.

On an emotional level, our relationship with the outer world and how we respond to it , and temperature regulation on a physical level. So, it plays a part in our immune function, our ability to regulate sweating (release water) detoxification.

Wood Element and its relationship to the connective tissue and tendons

The Gallbladder 

In the 5 element system, the Gallbladder is the Yang aspect of the Wood Element.  Its yin partner is the Liver meridian.  The Yang organs are the 'hollow' organs, their job is basically to be a container and the function is dependent of the Liver.  

The Wood element is said to be 'the General' of the 5 element system. The wood element, specifically governs the blood. There is a lot connected to this, and of course having a system that is well nourished with blood, and a good filtration and directing system is going to be more efficient.

The Wood element rules the tendons, so it is important to address the meridians of the wood element in treatment.

The emotional of the wood element will be responsible for decision making.  The emotions are anger in excess, and creativity in balance. When the wood element is weak it will reflect as poor decision making, inability to make decisions and timidity.  We usually consider this a weak gallbladder.  

Gua Sha for breaking a fever and inducing sweating

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, colds and flus are broken down into two categories;


Symptoms: pain and stiffness in the neck and shoulders, sneezing, clear phlegm, chills, shivers and shakes.

No desire to drink, and no sweating

Treatment: applying heat, gua sha to the neck and shoulders, sauna, hot showers and baths, warm drinks, soup, mild spices.  Not catching wind-cold in time can lead to wind-heat


Symptoms: sore throat, thick yellow phlegm, high fever, dry mouth, thirst, headache, sweating


Sha appears quickly and easily on areas with pathogens, so you can start to see sha within the first 10-15 strokes.

1. Start stroking starting at the DU 14 windgate outwards along the trapezius muscle.  This area of the body is where all of the yang meridians converge, so it is a great opportunity to stimulate or release heat.

Once the sha is no longer increasing, you can move on to the next area

2. Stroke from the base of the skull to the top of the shoulders.  Remember to always stroke in one direction, and stay in one area until you are finished before moving to another area.

3. Acupoints - BL 10, BL 2, taiyang and GB 8, 14, 20 for headaches, ST 2,4,LI 20 (sinus points) for mucous and phlegm. LI 4 to move the Qi down from the head

4. Gua Sha on the Triple Warmer meridian from the base of the neck, to the hand

How Gua Sha is beneficial for the Triple Warmer and Gallbladder meridians

Now that we have reviewed these two meridians and their relationship to the tissues, we can start to piece together how gua sha can be beneficial in treatment.